Sunday, December 14, 2008

CMC Markets Seminar - trading

Finally an event that I am able to work for December. The number of people that turned up for this event is quite little. Maybe it's due to the wet weather and last minute booking by the organiser.

Even though there were lesser patrons today, there were relatively more nasty patrons. I was standing at the other end of the house and I can hear one patron using a harsh tone to talk to my in-charge.

There were however also nice patrons too. I really thank them for their cooperation.

As for the talk, it's another "alien" seminar to me. I do not understand what is going on. I was losing my energy as the talk went on even though I was doing nothing much. I was bored. I had also spotted many patrons falling asleep too! Haha.

There weren't much interaction with the patrons today. I really prefer haveing more interactions with them. I am not sure about the night shift as I only worked for the noon shift.

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