Monday, July 19, 2010

Release of YOG 2010 Costumes

The long awaited costumes were finally released. After much guessing of how they are going to look like, we finally get to see the final products!

As expected, my jaws dropped. I hoped that what I saw was wrong. It was however verified on the first combined rehearsal that what I saw is true. I do not like to wear caps or hats. I feel uneasy when there is something on my head. Hairpins would of course be exceptions.

I heard that the costumes were designed by a batch of Lasalles College's students. Final year project?

Anyway, I am going to wear a guy's costume. It's kind of a discrimination that martial arts is solely for guys. Anyway, I find the Silat costume way nicer than what I am going to wear. I wonder how the wushu costume looks like. It was not posted on the web. I am guessing that they are going to be way nicer than mine. I guess the wushu costume is red, a favourite colour of mine.

I like blue too, but not in this manner. Anyway, in my opinion, I think that some of the things doesn't mean that the more sophisticated it is, the nicer it is. Sometimes, simplicity is beautiful too. I do not deny that the costumes are colourful. The combination and design can however be improved.

There is only one costume that I thought it looked alright; the one in red that was rather simple and looked like it's for a gymnast.

Photos of the costumes can be viewed at!/album.php?aid=224914&id=89465677245.

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