Thursday, October 15, 2009

My favourite perfume

Personally, I am rather sensitive to "smells". I can feel like I am short of breath when the smell is too unpleasant, especially the smoke of cigarettes. I cannot really stand strong smelling perfume too, especially those artificial perfume.

I prefer perfume that are made from natural ingredients and does not smell too strong. Currently I like a type of perfume that smells like apple. Nice! Too bad that I can't afford it. The name of the brand is so sophisticated that I can't managed to remember. I believe it is from some European country. Hope that I can afford it someday.

I am currently using a brandless perfume when I go to work so as to "block" my body odour. Do not really like it but I have no choice. Hope that I can find one that is suitable to my nose and is affordable soon.

Not sure what you like and are interested to know more about online perfume, feel free to click on the link.

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