Monday, June 30, 2008

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Watched the movie on one of the episode of the chronicles of Narnia yesterday. It's really a nice film I must say even though there are some flaws here and there with the flow of the story. Which film is flawless anyway?

How the film is shot is really amazing. The scenes seems so continuous with no flaws at all. The job done by the makeup artists is superb. Even though I had read 6 episodes out of the 7 episodes, I hope that all the episodes are shot into movies. Reading the stories from books is a pleasure as well, just that watching the show would provide me with more understanding of the story.

It has been years since I have read the story of Narnia. Around six years. I have forgotten most of the stories. How I wish that I can read it again. What I remember is that the first book is the best. "The Magician's Nephew". The characters are different from the rest of the book as it talks about the start of Narnia. The book that I have not read at all is "The Last Battle". As I borrowed the books from my primary school when I first read all these books, I wonder where I can find the books now.

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