As mentioned in my previous post on the mini durian swiss roll, Dad found the durian swiss roll accidently because he was actually intending to buy this swiss roll filled with strawberry jam initially.
This swiss roll has the same size as the mini durian swiss roll. It is also found in the same bakery. Instead of having a rich taste, this swiss roll taste rather light and it suits people who don't like rich tasting food. The sweetness is alright even though it is a little sweeter than the durian swiss roll. Good for a refreshing snack. The cake is also the same as the durian swiss roll, thick and spongy. It is not at all soft, dry and 'empty'.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mini Strawberry Jam Swiss Roll
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/29/2008 11:20:00 pm
Labels: Tasty Foods
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Mini Durian Swiss Roll
This is one of my Dad's favourite. Found this nice food accidently when Dad want to buy some simple food for me as I wanted to stay a little while more at HDB Hub for the art festival performance by an Indonesian group. It's really a great performance.
The sweetness of the durian fillings is just nice. Besides from the rich taste of the fillings, the cake is soft and spongy. Furthermore, it's not that dry just like any other sponge cake that can be found in any bakery.
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/26/2008 08:50:00 pm
Labels: Tasty Foods
Sunday, July 20, 2008
NDP NE show 3
Yesterday's show was very different from NE show 1 and NE show 2. Only yesterday that I found out that NE show 1 and NE show 2 are different too. Haha. The performance are still the same with just some little changes here and there. The changes in the flight show some sort of disappointed me. Hoping to take picture of the heart shape and that stunt was not done. I wonder why. Didn't took much pictures last week so I decide to take more pictures since other people are taking pictures too.
After briefing of what is going to happen, Zhe Wei and I went to esplanade and the merlion park to spend the one hour that we have before the gates are opened. I took a lot of pictures though. Haha. Took the picture of the floating platform from the merlion park's view. Haha.
Even though I got the same job as last week, what I did is different. Instead of running in and out, I stayed in the shade till the late-comers plan is executed. I was standing outside initially, in the drizzling rain, that army guy in-charge ask me to go inside to help spot tickets as they don't need so many people outside. Spotting tickets are more important because they are people who want to mix in and take the VIP seats. Haha. I also did my job in a different way in the sense that I talk a little more. Instead of just showing them the way, I also greet them good afternoon and wish they enjoy the show.
The weather is very hot last week and no caps are given to us. But, odd enough, yesterday's rainy weather, caps were distributed and we were forced to wear. It's not easy to tie my hair into a bun with a chopstick and I must wear the cap when I have my hair done successfully. d0tX d0tX d0tX. Haha. It looks as if we are sponsored by Akira, but it is just the cap that are sponsored by them. Haha.
Due to the rain, there are some bottle-neck problems faced as there are some spectators who are not willing to cooperate. Managed to solved most of the problems except for one particular family. Lesser people turned up yesterday though. There's a surge but did not have the problem of queuing up to be seated. The number of people as compared to last week is a lot lesser that it only took me a while to usher them out after the show. Anyway, as compared to last week, the public are rather cooperative generally.
Watching fireworks and singing the national anthem in the rain is really a new experience for me. I took video of the fireworks in the rain too. Due to the rain, dust from the fireworks entered my eyes and I had a rather hard time to get rid of the pain. Even though I was wearing my poncho, my face, hands and legs are all wet. My poncho kept sliding back that there are times that the hood just drop down. I tried to get rid of the water off my face but it didn't work as my hands are just too wet. I am rather lucky to have that poncho as I heard that they are other ushers who don't have it. I also see that the policemen and army guys don't have it as well and they are standing in the rain. Furthermore, the performers are performing in the rain too! The rain is really heavy when the performance is near finale. It only stopped after the finale. The army guy in-charge did ask me to go into the shade. Lucky I didn't because the volunteer guy at my staircase was signalling to me whether the people are able to leave.
I find it rather odd at first why there isn't any people leaving early yesterday as there are many people who left early even though the show is still going on. I later found out that the guy who is taking Wei Shan's last week position is stopping the people from leaving. He is waiting for me to signal that the spectators are able to go. As the metal railing is shifted to block the entrance showing that the sector is closed for yesterday, I quickly ran there to shift it away. It's rather heavy though. Two army guys in-charge, one main in-charge and one new in-charge, helped me to shift the whole stretch of metal railing to open up a bigger space for the people to walk after I signal to the other volunteer that the people can go.
Overall for yesterday, the show was alright. I got to work with some people that I worked with last week. Lunch was alright though the food looks more like "brunch". For dinner, the person suppose to replace me didn't turn up. I got my food while one admin people take over me for a while. But, sad, after taking my food and placed it at a corner back at my position, someone took my food away while I was busy ushering! Lucky that I ate the mash potato and bread, just left the chickens untouched only. But, fried chicken leh!! So sad. Guess this is the bad part of being a static and being the only in-charge of the staircase. Anyway, I still enjoy ushering the public more. The others prefer to usher students more while I prefer to usher public more. So different. Haha.
Everybody rocks as the show continues in spite of the rain and it was a success. =D
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/20/2008 01:44:00 pm
Labels: Reflections
Friday, July 18, 2008
Henna Drawing
NYP school of health science just had the racial harmony day celebration for year 2008. I am in charge of the Chinese booth together with Grace xxx and Faz. I can't remember Grace's surname. Need to specify that as there are two Graces. Haha. My booth is for people to try writing Chinese Calligraphy. The Malay Booth is for people to learn how to make ketupat while the Indian Booth is for people to have Henna drawings done.
The Indian booth got the most 'customers' I must say. Finally got a moment for Tahirah to rest, she specially designed a henna drawing for me! Haha! So sweet! Here's a picture of it. =D
I would like to thank Edward, Kennard and Liyan for dropping by to support me; even though Liyan came when I was about to go for training and didn't get to try, while Edward and Kennard did have some time to "write" some "things". *A-hems*
First time trying henna on my hand is a rather good experience. Decide to have it because I have never try before. Have some problems dealing with the smell though. (It's my problem.) This is especially the case during my training when I sweat sooo much, keep using my hand to wipe away the sweat on my face. Haha.
Had some ticklish and giggling moment while Tahirah is drawing for me. Wonder why for some of the strokes, I have some painful sensation. Hmm...
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/18/2008 09:59:00 pm
Labels: Reflections
Sunday, July 13, 2008
NDP NE show 2
Took a long time to get to sleep on Friday's night. Wonder is it due to the nap I took in the evening or me being too excited for the NE show the next day. I woke up early, ate one roti prata with cheese and ham, and one cup of ovaltine. Watched my show, Robin Hood, halfway, while preparing to go out and went to the floating platform.
It feels really cool to go out hands-free because I usually would bring my sling bag whenever I go out. I feel a little disappointed at first when I know that I am posted to the blue sector. The reason is that I don't get to take pictures or videos when I am on duty. On the bright side, blue sector is nearest to the fireworks! Haha! I reached there early, met Hui Teng coincidently at the esplanade bus-stop, so we went in to the blue mezzaine together. We spent most of the time waiting before it is lunch.
After lunch, it's the briefing of what to do by the in-charge. I wanted to be mobile ushers at first, but ended up to enjoy being the static usher more. Haha. I am suppose to be in charge of the blue sector while it turned out to be the orange (yellow chairs) and red (red chairs) sector. Ushering the public seems to be easier than ushering the students as the public just want to sit with their family and friends while for schools, the students must sit with class, which is a larger group. I think that's a tougher job.
Even though I have to stand under the hot sun ushering the public and dehydrate a lot, I enjoyed myself a lot. As I have to ask people for the colour of their tickets, my throat is a little hurt after a while because I have to talk rather loud in order to compete with the loud music. Since all the orange ticket holders have to walk pass me in order to get to their seats, I get to say hi to Shaun. Wanted to throw him into the water but he came at the time when the public surge in. Smart huh. I am jealous that he got to have the tickets. Haha. Anyway, I am very glad that the public are rather cooperative yesterday.
I get to have a break and watch the show when the late-comer plan is executed. I finally can stand in the shade at the staircase. I did stand in the shade and usher some of the people at some point of time. But it's not very long as I have to keep switching position - entrance, staircase, entrance, staircase... Anyway, the army personnel in charge of my area is quite nice. Seeing that Meilin and I are pondering about the sign near the staircase, he just tell us what is it about without we asking him. Haha. After ushering the people for some time, he go around asking each usher individually whether there are any problems faced. Responsible huh. I didn't face any problems until I went back into the shade to usher the public. That army personnel wasn't there when I need his help. d0tX. Got help from the heartware EXCO in the end. Haha. There is also another army personnel at my area too. He is a bit odd and of not much help to me. Got some contradicting instructions from the previous personnel that make the ushers in my area confused. Haha.
After the show starts, media are running around, trying to get the best shot. Some army guys squeeze at the staircase that I am in-charge of and block the way. Sian. Both Wei Shan and I even have problems standing at our positions. Wei Shan is the girl who is in-charge of the yellow sector staircase and some seats initially. Being nice, Wei Shan ask a mediacorp guy to do his flim quickly as he is blocking the audience's view. Guess what happened? That guy shouted at Wei Shan that he is doing his job. So bad. Anyway, heard that he got scolded later on by someone else. Haha. Media so 大牌 meh. d0tX.
For the flight show, I got to know more of what is going on today. Being at the VIP site is really different. Close-up view of the march, the MP, and of course the best view of the flight show. The heart-shaped flight show is what I am waiting for. Don't why yesteday's left side of the heart-shape is distorted. I am soooo high that one guy in black kept laughing at me.
I get to see Adrian Pang, Michelle Chia, Jean Danker and Mr Teo Chee Hsien in person too! Mr Teo waved at Wei Shan and me leh!! Lol! Anyway, those simulated ministers are rather poor things because all the people are mocking at them. This is especially the case for an army guy who took a sign indicating that he is "CM", which I do not know what is it.
Got a close-up experience of the "dry fire" and "21 sound of bomb". COOL! The dry fire is really loud because I am so near! Haha! Fireworks is loud too, but not that loud. As I am the only in-charge for the staircase at a later time, I watch the fireworks alone, so dare not scream that much. Haha. I am the main in-charge throughout anyway. Haha. It's rather odd that Meilin got 4 people at her staircase while only me alone at my staircase. People are still leaving even though the fireworks are going on. So I have to keep turning back and front to watch the fireworks and usher the people at the same time as I don't want them to cause a borrlw-neck by stopping at the staircase to view the fireworks.
For the performance, because I went for dinner, which I only ate a little because it's not very tasty and I am not that hungry, I missed the martial arts! Argh! Well, feel that it's alright after finding out that it's not Chinese martial arts. Haha. Well, I get to see some glitters shot into the sky as the venue for dinner is at the funpacks area, very near where the glitters are released. Cool! These glitters are something like the fireworks. Haha. But since it's the evening, it's not fireworks of course. Haha.
Standing for hours at my position is really tiring. Feels rather irritated when I am so tired and things were not going well. Feel good that people did stop to take the pledge and sang the national anthem even though they are on their way to leave the gallery. After all the people have left the gallery, I finally can sit down on the steps. Sat there for so long yet no instructions were given. Feeling sooooo sian, I went to the toilet while Meilin help me to refill my bottle. Upon going back to our positions, we feel sian so we went to take a walk. Found out that the blue sector in-charge is having a debrief with the other people in the blue sector for that day. We reached there late and they didn't update us on what they have said. Feel rather irritated that information is not passed to us for the debrief. Haiz. After the blue sector debrief is the overall debrief. Sat there for very long before it starts. A lot of people are complaining. The reason is that all the performers are released and we are still sitting there and wait. Think yesterday's job is more demanding that's why I am more tired than last week, causing me to feel like throwing tantrums and feel like crying. Haha.
Overall, I quite enjoyed and am looking forward to know my deployment for NE show 3. I must be stronger both mentally and physically! Gambatte! ^^
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/13/2008 03:03:00 pm
Labels: Reflections
Friday, July 11, 2008
NDP NE show 1
I was deployed to the funpacks section. But I didn't do much because I went there late, reached at around 6.40pm plus I think. Missed some flight show though. I was there late due to wushu fliming. It's a rather exciting day I must say. Ran like mad after wushu to rush down to the floating platform. Being the first time there, I am not sure which gate I am suppose to enter. Just in case of some unnecessary misunderstanding, I called KS to bring me in. Am really paisei to give him rather much trouble on that day. Haha. Quite nice of him to meet me at the bus-stop and lead me the correct way.
The people are singing the national anthem when I reach the floating platform. The huge helicopters carrying the Singapore flag flew pass. Am a little disappointed that I did not manage to take a picture of it. I jumped and waved at the helicopters even though I know that no one will wave back. Haha. Feel a little guilty later that I didn't stop to sing the national anthem. =X
Knowing that I am already late, I still run like mad because I want to catch the flight show. It's dinner time when I reach there. After having a hard time looking for Jolene and the others who are deployed to the funpacks, I took my food, leave it with Binbin, then went to see the flight show. Missed the starting though. Managed to take some videos and pictures. As I thought that I cannot view the show totally, I am a little disappointed at first. Since I manage to view it in the end, I became really high-spirited. Got a close-up view of the heart-shape drawn by the planes. it's really COOL! The angles, the closeness of the planes, and the smoke released, everything is so perfectly done!
After that, as we are not sure where we can go, we dare not go anywhere. Sat behind the gallery and daydream for a rather long time though. It's really hot and stuffy. The air there isn't very good because there is so much exhuast gas released by the vehicles. Went to peep at the stage once in a while. Saw the cute balloons attached at the sea, I brought Jolene over to see, hoping to cheer her up a little. Everybody is so sian at the back lor. Guess what? After I brought Jolene there, the fireworks begun!! We went to the stairs and view it. As we are blocking the way, even though we stood at the side of the stairs, we didn't stay long. Luckily Cherie come to the rescue! She brought me to the gallery where volunteers are allowed to stand. WOW! It's the top of the gallery seats. I took videos of the fireworks again. Haha. Saw the lighted-up Singapore flyer for the first time too. After the fireworks, I sang the Singapore songs too. Some sort of miss it as the national day celebration in SRJC last year is so nothing to do with national day. d0tX. Anyway, I took the pledge and sang the national anthem. Haha. Something that I miss again. Haven't been doing that ever since the last day of school at SRJC. Haha. The fireworks really make me feel super high.
Went back to the holding area after that. Feel a little bad that the rest are still sianning there. Took a walk with Adelyn, Meilin and Liping. Got to see some of the props used by the performers and get to fill my bottle with some fake orange juice. Haha.
I am deployed to the blue sector tomorrow. Think I will get to see the performances bahz. Haha. Heard that there is wushu and chinese opera, I really don't want to miss it. Haha.
Posted by
Jade Wong
7/11/2008 04:24:00 pm
Labels: Reflections