Online shopping has been really convenient and efficient at many levels and it is one of the most used way that people get their things bought. With the credit card charges and all the taxes, wouldn't it be great if you can actually get some money back with each item that you purchase? There is a program in place and it is like getting discount even the seller is not having any sale.
Sounds too good to be true? Yeah. However, it is true, as long as you meet the terms and conditions. I have been using ShopBack for some time and have accumulated quite some amount from most of my online spendings. The percentage of cashback may seems small, but it actually helps to save a lot as you accumulate with all the spendings over time.
Recently, they are hiring for a Chief Shopping Officer, with $4000SGD given at your disposal. I have applied for it and really hope that I can get it because I have been really loyal to the program and is crazy about online shopping.
Click on this link to sign up and start saving as you spend! =)
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Shop with ShopBack
Posted by
Jade Wong
2/23/2017 09:46:00 pm
Labels: Good Deals, Online Shopping
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